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Wallcovering Elitis collection Rayures Jumelles Pilastre RM 1043 - Sale by the meter
Dreaming of bringing your living space to life in 3D? Elitis and its "Rayures Jumelles Pilastre RM 1043" collection are here to help you dress your walls in relief with the 3D wall covering collection called "Rayures Jumelles". This contemporary collection draws inspiration from architectural concepts ranging from Greek columns to the Cannelés Bordelais (excellent pastry)! The unparalleled texture and acoustic comfort set the latest trends in interior design and home decoration..
A sale of made-to-measure items does not permit neither exchange nor return of the sold goods; in case of uncertainty, we therefore recommend that you order an advance sample in order to be certain of your choice.
Wallcovering Elitis 3D collection Rayures Jumelles Pilastre RM 1043 - Sale by the meter
COMPOSITION : 60% PES 40% PU on non woven backing
DIMENSIONS : Useful width 128cm (50")
USE : Wallcovering
WEIGHT : 16.2 oz per sq.yd
PERMANENT FIRE-RETARDANT : Certificate ASTM E84 on demand
+ PRODUCT : Made in France, Acoustic properties, Washable
CARE : Washable
A sale of made-to-measure items does not permit neither exchange nor return of the sold goods; in case of uncertainty, we therefore recommend that you order an advance sample in order to be certain of your choice.
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