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Arte Contract - Lime - Sold by the meter
This Lime collection by Arte wall covering, available on deco-indoor.com, is specially developed for the contract market.
This luxurious vinyl with a mineral appearance is particularly durable and meets the most stringent technical requirements, such as fire resistance, impact resistance, and washability. Perfect for enhancing the walls of your hotel, holiday village, or guesthouse with style and safety
A sale of made-to-measure items does not permit neither exchange nor return of the sold goods; in case of uncertainty, we therefore recommend that you order a sample in order to be certain of your choice.
Arte Contract - Lime
Description: This vinyl wallcovering is developed for thecontract market and is therefore extremely durable, shock resistant and washable
Product category: Contract vinyl
Composition: Vinyl wallpaper on fabric backing (Type II)
Remark : Double cut. IMO certificate available forquantities from 300 linear metres/328 linearyards.
Dimensions: Width 132/137 cm (52/54”), untrimmed, soldby the linear metre/yard
Pattern repeat: Free match 0 cm (0.00")
Adhesive: Good quality dispersion adhesive or Clear Pro Arte
How to paste: Paste thewallcovering.
Light resistance: Good lightfastness
How to remove: Strippable
Fire retardant EU: B-s2, d0
Fire retardant US: Class A
Maintenance: Extra-washable
A sale of made-to-measure items does not permit neither exchange nor return of the sold goods; in case of uncertainty, we therefore recommend that you order a sample in order to be certain of your choice.
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